Friday, September 30, 2016

Letter to my future-self (in 10 years from now)

Hello Bea,

Do you still want people to treat you by your nickname? I hope so. I also hope that, by the time you read this letter, you have your life figured out and your dreams come true, eventhough you didn't even knew what your dreams were ten years ago.

Do you still love cats as much as you used to do? Because I remember you wanted to have a lot of cats when you moved out from your parents house. But don't be like Cat Lady, please. That's not good for you. Since we're talking about animals... Have you lost your fear of dogs? I really hope you did. You can't live like that forever. Nobody should live in fear.

I hope you have a stable job, the job you wanted since High School and that you're happy about it. Translation, was it? The degree you wanted to take at college? Yes, it was. I remember very clearly. You need to start believing more in yourself. You can do this!

I hope your love is as strong as it was ten years ago. You're so lucky, you have no idea! What about marriage and kids? Did it happen, already? Honestly, I hope it didn't. You're so young! You have plenty of time to have children of your own.

Now, tell me about books... How many do you have? 100? 1000? Yeah, I know you're an obsessive reader. You always were. I don't expect less than your own library at home.

Anyway, I hope everything works out fine. You deserve to be happy. Actually, everybody deserves happiness. Just live your life and do the things that make you happy. You won't regret it.

Read again at Wednesday, 30th September 2026

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